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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Implementing Training and Skills Investment Policy for Effective Performance of Managerial Emergency Unit; Study in Sub-Saharan Africa

( Vol-2,Issue-12,December - December 2016 )

Author(s): Elizabeth Y.S Coker-Farrell, Fabong Jemchang Yildam, Moses Farrell Luka, MuradBein

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Page No: 2064-2067
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Emergency, Training, Skills, Management, Team, Medical, Doctors, Plateau State Specialist Hospital.


The healthcare system of every environment is critical and sensitive, therefore it is important to have healthcare personnels that are up to date in their knowedge of the field, being expert and professionals in this field is not enough due to the dynamic nature of the environment, having impementation policy to acquire often and updated skills and training can not be over emphasize. The challenges encountered during this research is the poor management system and lack of implementation of some important policy as such, hence this research finds the indepth of issues arising due to lack of skills and adequate training, in Nigeria there are challenges with the management of the emergency units of the healthcare organizations; which was observed from the high mortality rate encountered at the emergency unit, lack of skills and training to render best services, patients leaving before being attended to due to high traffic inflow into the emergency unit andhealthcare givers poor turn around time to address emergency situations. Implementing the skills and training policy for often participation in its activities is a situation tourgently address so as to lead to resolution of issues arising, hence it is not enough to have qualify healthcare givers in the hospital without frequent training and skills acquisation policy implemented, to enable healthcare givers to continuely update their learning and knowledge of the field and cope with new diseases and infections arising as seen in the results, concluding with recommendations and advise on further studies.

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