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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Improving Mix-CLAHE with ACO for Clearer Oceanic Images

( Vol-2,Issue-6,June - June 2016 )

Author(s): Dilraj Kaur, Pooja, Varsha Sahni

Total View : 1266
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Page No: 691-697
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Oceanic pictures, CLAHE, MIX-CLAHE, Haze, ACO.


Oceanic pictures have poor visibility attributable to various factors; weather disturbance, particles in water, lightweight frames and water movement which results in degraded and low contrast pictures of underwater. Visibility restoration refers to varied ways in which aim to decline and remove the degradation that have occurred whereas the digital image has been obtained. The probabilistic Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) approach is presented to solve the problem of designing an optimal route for hard combinatorial problems. It’s found that almost all of the prevailing researchers have neglected several problems i.e. no technique is correct for various reasonably circumstances. the prevailing strategies have neglected the utilization of hymenopter colony optimization to cut back the noise and uneven illuminate downside. The main objective of this paper is to judge the performance of ANT colony optimization primarily based haze removal over the obtainable MIX-CLAHE (Contrast Limited adaptive histogram Equalization) technique. The experiment has clearly showed the effectiveness of the projected technique over the obtainable strategies.

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