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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

In light of Cloud Computing System CDA Generation and Integration for Health for Data Exchange

( Vol-3,Issue-5,May - May 2017 )

Author(s): Arpitha K C, Dr. K Thippeswamy

Total View : 1057
Downloads : 164
Page No: 544-549
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.5.23


Health information exchange, HL7, CDA, cloud computing, software as a service.


Theoretical Successful sending of Electronic Health Record enhances tolerant security and nature of care, however it has the essential of interoperability between Health Information Exchange at various doctor's facilities. The Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) created by HL7 is a center record standard to guarantee such interoperability, and engendering of this archive configuration is basic for interoperability. Lamentably, clinics are hesitant to receive interoperable HIS because of its organization fetched with the exception of in a modest bunch nations. An issue emerges notwithstanding when more healing facilities begin utilizing the CDA archive arrange on the grounds that the information scattered in various reports are difficult to oversee. In this paper, we portray our CDA report era and incorporation Open API benefit in light of distributed computing, through which doctor's facilities are empowered to advantageously create CDA archives without purchasing restrictive programming. Our CDA archive combination framework incorporates various CDA records per tolerant into a solitary CDA report and doctors and patients can peruse the clinical information in sequential request. Our arrangement of CDA report era and joining depends on distributed computing and the administration is offered in Open API. Engineers utilizing distinctive stages along these lines can utilize our framework to improve interoperability.

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