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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Information Upload and retrieval using SP Theory of Intelligence

( Vol-2,Issue-5,May - May 2016 )

Author(s): Supriya P, Koushik S

Total View : 1065
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Page No: 274-278
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Cloud Computing, Big data processing, Data De-duplication, SP theory of intelligence, Lossless Compression.


In today’s technology Cloud computing has become an important aspect and storing of data on cloud is of high importance as the need for virtual space to store massive amount of data has grown during the years. However time taken for uploading and downloading is limited by processing time and thus need arises to solve this issue to handle large data and their processing. Another common problem is de duplication. With the cloud services growing at a rapid rate it is also associated by increasing large volumes of data being stored on remote servers of cloud. But most of the remote stored files are duplicated because of uploading the same file by different users at different locations. A recent survey by EMC says about 75% of the digital data present on cloud are duplicate copies. To overcome these two problems in this paper we are using SP theory of intelligence using lossless compression of information, which makes the big data smaller and thus reduces the problems in storage and management of large amounts of data.

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