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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Investigation of the Effect of Pore Size on Mechanical Properties of Open Cell Aluminium Foam Structure

( Vol-2,Issue-9,September - September 2016 )

Author(s): C.Suresh, Dr. S.Vidyashankar

Total View : 1240
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Page No: 1641-1644
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Al foam, compressive strength, density, SHP and porosity.


Al foams with different pore size were developed through infiltration process by foundry technology and characterization of the developed Al foams for their density, porosity and compression strength. Al foams were produced through infiltration process by open metal die casting using soil granules of different diameter as space holder particles (SHP). The SHP balls were removed from the Al foam by water jet along with vibration. The density and porosity were measured by theoretically and experimentally. The compression tests were conducted on developed Al foams of different densities using universal testing machine. Developed Al foam density varies from 0.9g/cc to 1.2g/cc, the porosity varies from 54% to 65% and compressive behaviour showed the plateaus stress was directly proportional to SHP ball size in Al foams.

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