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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Land Use / Land Cover Change Detection in a part of Ramganga River Basin, at Bareilly District, Uttar Pradesh, India

( Vol-2,Issue-6,June - June 2016 )

Author(s): S.S.Tripathi, R.K.Isaac

Total View : 1023
Downloads : 164
Page No: 611-616
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Land use/ Land cover, Change Detection, Remote Sensing, G.I.S., Ramganga River Basin.


The paper deals with the status of the land use/land cover change taken place in a part of Ramganga River Basin, at Bareilly district, Uttar Pradesh, India, by using remote sensing satellite data. The present study area is confined to latitude 28°10′ to 28054ʹ North and longitude 78°58′ to 78o58ʹ East, covering an area of 4120 km2. The satellite images of 1979 and 2009 have been obtained from global land cover facility (GLCF) and examined by unsupervised classification method. The general classification level has been adopted. The identified classes include Settlements, Croplands, Vegetation/Plantations, Water Bodies, and Waste Land. The result shows increasing trend of crop land and built up area and decreasing trend of vegetation and Plantation land.

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