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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Lean Supply Chain Management; Its Prospect for a Depressed Economy Like Nigeria

( Vol-2,Issue-12,December - December 2016 )

Author(s): Anthony Oko

Total View : 1203
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Page No: 2071-2075
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Lean, supply chain, customers, value transformation, management.


The role of manufacturing operations is the process of beginning a production process to a task of final assem-bly, with increased reliance on a significant number of supply chain participants who have differing objectives, perspectives and processes. However, an effective partnering between companies and their suppliers remains a key to lean supply chain management excel-lence. A lean supply chain offers competitive advantage to the suppliers, therefore the need for the Nigerian mar-ket to embrace the idea of lean based supply chain system. This paper examines the prospects of transforming from the traditional supply chain system to a lean supply chain system in Nigeria. But it is noted that the process could be tasking. It was observed that to succeed in lean supply chain management, organizations must be willing to share risks and rewards, and to build the underlying infrastructure to apply these tools. In this paper it was resounded that the rewards could be in-flaming as various benefits such as a stronger costumer, supplier relationship, increased competitive advantage with velocity of supply etc, applies. It is concluded that, to the Nigerian economy it will be increased cash flow from the costumers and increased market forces.

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