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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Left Zero Divisor Graphs of Totally Ordered Rings

( Vol-2,Issue-6,June - June 2016 )

Author(s): Satyanarayana Bhavanari, Srinivasulu Devanaboina, Mallikarjun Bhavanari

Total View : 971
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Page No: 877-880
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Prime graph, Zero divisor graph, Star graph, Associative ring, Left Zero divisor graph. Mathematics subject classification: 05C20, 05C76, 05C99, 13E15, 68R10.


In this paper we consider prime graph of R (denoted by ) of an associative ring R (introduced by Satyanarayana, Syam Prasad and Nagaraju [6]). This short paper is divided into two Sections. Section-1 is devoted for preliminary definitions. In section-2, we constructed Left zero divisor graph of R (denoted by LZDG(R)) where R = the set of all matrices over the ring of integers modulo 2.

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