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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Marketing Strategies of Selected Water Refilling Stations in Nueva Ecija, Philippines

( Vol-5,Issue-1,January - January 2019 )

Author(s): Renato Virola

Total View : 2276
Downloads : 191
Page No: 83-86
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.5.1.12


Marketing, price, product, promotion, water refilling stations


The study presented the marketing strategies of selected water refilling stations in Nueva Ecija. The study aimed to assess different marketing strategies with focus on product offering, pricing and promotion of the water refilling stations along with getting the satisfaction of the customers with the strategies. The descriptive method of research was utilized and the normative survey technique was used for gathering data. The study revealed that most of the water refilling stations used similar marketing strategies. In addition, lack of budget hinders the water refilling stations for having good marketing strategies. Furthermore, customers are satisfied with the product offering and pricing except to the promotional activities of the water refilling stations.

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