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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Marketing Strategy And Marketing Performance: Does Strategy Affect Performance?

( Vol-2,Issue-10,October - October 2016 )

Author(s): Anthony Agyemang

Total View : 1068
Downloads : 164
Page No: 1672-1681
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Marketing strategies, marketing performance, companies, Ghana.


This article surveys marketing management literature to find out the positive impact that a good market and marketing can have on marketing performance at the marketplace. The marketplace in this contest can be either a country or even a continent since the companies are multinational and also have diversified holdings which help them to spread their tentacles to every nook and cranny of the globe. Locally based companies are not left out since they all use marketing strategies to do their marketing. Companies or multinationals of U.S. and U.K. parentage will be used a lot. Does the literature attest to the positive impact of very good marketing strategies on a company’s marketing performance? This is going to be investigated to come out with the justify opinion. Coming out with a very good marketing strategy to pilot or direct a company’s marketing assault is not very easy. It is plainly herculean. Implementation, monitoring, controlling and evaluating marketing strategies are equally herculean. Top marketing management do not have it easy with formulating, managing, and evaluating marketing strategies. Marketing performance measurement is tackled in this piece. It is essential to point out that marketing is not the pressure of only those in marketing (pan–marketing). It is very general managerial with all corporate functional players all actively involved.

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