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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Mobile Apps as Supplements of a Typical Discrete Mathematics Course: Benefits, Features, and Design Elements

( Vol-2,Issue-7,July - July 2016 )

Author(s): S.R. Subramanya

Total View : 942
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Page No: 0958-0963
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Course supplement, Design elements of Apps, Introductory Discrete Mathematics course, Mobile Apps, User Experience.


Mobile Apps have tremendous potential for use as very effective supplements to the exiting learning modalities in a typical introductory Discrete Mathematics course. In this article we consider the general nature of a typical introductory Discrete Mathematics courses and derive elements of design which are expected to make the mobile Apps intended for use as supplements to such a course more effective. We enumerate the elements of the topical coverage and inherent characteristics of typical introductory Discrete Mathematics course, and the benefits of a mobile App course supplement. We then present the design aspects and desired salient features of mobile Apps intended for uses as supplements in a typical introductory Discrete Mathematics course, and the elements of user experience (UX) of such an App. We believe that several of these design elements could be adapted across several different courses and disciplines to enhance the learning experience.

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