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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Modality of Concrete in Hot and Cold weather

( Vol-2,Issue-12,December - December 2016 )

Author(s): Mohammad Ajmal Nikjow

Total View : 1157
Downloads : 164
Page No: 2142-2145
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Concrete, Hot and Cold Weather, Construction sector, Afghanistan.


In general, Developing and maintaining world’s facilities to meet the future needs have developing to improve the total well-being. The standard and performance of concrete perform a critical role for most of the facilities including commercial, industrial, and residential and army, public works, and power plants. Concrete sets as the solid hydrates, and is an exothermic response, means it produces heat response goes quickly when the concrete is a hot condition. The primary reason for the concrete's strength and setting time is not the air temperature range but the particular heat range. Varying climate circumstances at a work site cold and hot, windy or relaxed, dry or moist may be considerably different from the best possible conditions believed at sufficient time a concrete mix is specified designed, or selected, or from lab circumstances in which concrete samples are saved and tested. This paper provides the results of a study performed to look at the condition of concrete in hot and cold weather in the construction industry under the climate of Afghanistan.

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