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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

National Character Building Through Manners Education Based on Regional Culture of North Sumatra

( Vol-3,Issue-5,May - May 2017 )

Author(s): Efendi Napitupulu., Keysar Panjaitan., Hamonangan Tambunan

Total View : 1349
Downloads : 164
Page No: 568-575
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.5.27


National character building, Manners education, Regional culture.


National character building role is to enhance positive behavior for learners to interact with their environment. Manners education should be able to establish the identity of learners through the development of multi-faceted potential advantages of nations and multidimensional as it includes the dimensions of nationality and regional culture is currently in the process of finding regional cultural attributes that can be developed into manners learning model based on regional culture of North Sumatra. How to settle character and moral matters of learners as a form of mental revolution is very important to develop. This research approach in the early stages of research developmentwith reference assessment and and field study design with the culture and customs cases. Data collection techniques used include: observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, data verification. The field findings show that regional culture attributes relevant to the national character building.

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