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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Non-inclined slotted waveguide array with various shapes of Irises

( Vol-2,Issue-6,June - June 2016 )

Author(s): Chaudhary Mohammed Ahsan, Dr. D. Vakula

Total View : 989
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Page No: 655-658
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Inclined slots, Non inclined slot, Iris, Slotted Waveguide Array (SWA), Co polarization, Cross polarization.


Non-inclined narrow wall slotted waveguide with iris reduces the cross polarization. In this paper non inclined slotted waveguide array with iris is compared with inclined narrow wall slotted waveguide array to demonstrate the huge reduction in cross polarization. Analysis of various shapes of iris is done to compare their effects on co polarization and cross polarization.

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