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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Opinion Poll: Big Data Implementation of Unstructured Data Analytics of Social Network Reviews Using Sentiment Analysis & SVM

( Vol-3,Issue-3,March - March 2017 )

Author(s): S. Sylvia Irish, M. Sicily Sherin, R. Surya, Y. Vidhya, Vidya Ramamoorthy

Total View : 892
Downloads : 165
Page No: 288-291
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.3.26


Sentiment analysis, SVM, Big data.


Recent systems developed are dependent on user feedbacks or opinions. These feedbacks or opinions are generated in volumes everyday which are difficult to filter and analyse. We propose Sentiment based analysis is the major key in categorizing the user’s Feedback. In thispaper, we study the processing of all the reviews posted in an online shopping application and classify them using SVM. We use big data to analyze the vast amounts of data generated. User reviews are the input to the Big Data HDFS System. Data are stored in the Data Nodes. Index is maintained in the Name Node. Reviews are analyzed using Sentiment Analysis and Positive & Negative Tweets are classified. Also products are recommended based on the previous purchases and group notification is sent to all the customers in a group.

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