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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Overview of Important Algorithms to mine Frequent Patterns from Uncertain Data

( Vol-2,Issue-5,May - May 2016 )

Author(s): Vani Bhogadhi, Dr. M. B. Chandak

Total View : 1278
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Page No: 323-329
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big data, constrained mining, data randomness, Frequent pattern mining, uncertain data.


In this paper, we focus on some of the important algorithms used in mining frequent patterns from uncertain data. The algorithms discussed are UF-growth, CUF-growth, PUF-growth, tubeS-growth, tubeP-growth. Uncertainty in data is caused by factors like data randomness, data incompleteness, etc. In some circumstances, users are interested in only some of the frequent patterns instead of all. The user can express his interest in terms of constraints and push them into the mining process as a result, the search space is reduced which is termed as constrained mining. Finally, big data has brought tools for the problem of frequent pattern mining of uncertain data.

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