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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Perceived Parental Involvement in the Academic Experience of Business Administration Students

( Vol-4,Issue-7,July - July 2018 )

Author(s): MA Germina Esquivel-Santos

Total View : 386
Downloads : 166
Page No: 579-582
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.4.7.12


Parental Involvement, Parents’ profession, Parents’ Employment, Parents’ Business.


Parental involvement has been linked to a variety of positive outcomes for students.The study described the role of business administration students' parents' profession, employment, and business.This study employed a descriptive method and surveyed a total of 312 students from different majors of Business Administration. The researcher examined the parental involvement in the academic experiences of Business Administration students in terms of parents’ profession, parents’ employment, and parents’ business. When students feel supported and loved by their parents, their self-confidence is boosted leading to feel competent in making job decisions later in life. Students perform better than their peers when their parents are financially capable. Thus, parent’s financial status may contribute to the academic achievements of students.Regardless of their occupation, parents should retain their dedication or communication to their children. In terms of students’ schoolwork, parents should always provide their children advice. In response, students must respect and honor their parents' occupations and businesses. In addition, parents must set aside time for their children to maintain the parent-child bond. Lastly, parents should assist their children in completing their education by making the appropriate arrangements to facilitate study. Future researchers should aim to do additional research on the elements that influence student academic experiences at different stages of education, such as primary and secondary school.

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