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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Perception of Filipino Students towards Brand Equity in social media

( Vol-4,Issue-11,November - November 2018 )


Total View : 607
Downloads : 172
Page No: 786-790
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.4.11.8


Brand, Brand Awareness, Brand Equity, Brand Image, Brand Association, Brand Loyalty.


Branding is crucial because it not only creates an emotional connection with customers, but also informs them about your business. The study described Filipino students enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program's perceptions of brand associations, brand loyalty, brand awareness, and brand image via social media. The study used a quantitative descriptive method. The study surveyed 87 students (45 males and 42 females) enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program at private colleges and institutions in Nueva Ecija using convenience sampling. The present study examined the perception of Filipino students towards brand equity in social media. The researcher concluded that students focused brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand image and brand association, respectively. Further, they are fully aware of the brand and are familiar with the products they purchase. Students, as consumers, are satisfied with the product they usually purchase even it appeared on social media. The researcher recommends to companies regarding their brand equity that rather than receiving a broad and simplified definition of brand equity in social media, they may be able to pinpoint exactly where the brand is falling short in terms of product awareness and desirability. Companies must also allow focusing on developing and concentrating marketing operations in specific channels. They have to heighten the necessity for their businesses to be active and engaged on social media in order to demonstrate their values, products and services, and inventiveness. Lastly, further research should be conducted to respondents across different characteristics of the consumers.

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