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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Performance analysis of HG_EDFA and LN_EYCDFA

( Vol-2,Issue-11,November - November 2016 )

Author(s): S. Semmalar, S. Malarkkan

Total View : 1167
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Page No: 1879-1884
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ASE noise power, Output signal power, HG_EDFA, CW Laser, Optical Fiber Communications, Single Pumping, wavelength and WDM.


The scope of this paper is to analyze the performance of HG_EDFA (High Gain Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier) and LN_EYCDFA (Less ASE Noise erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber amplifier) using single pumping with the wavelength of 980nm by the various parameters like Gain, forward output signal power and forward and backward ASE (Amplified spontaneous Emission) noise power. This Paper describes the simulation models of HG_EDFA is connected with an input of (DMLaser1) direct modulated laser source and the performance was analyzed with the parameters were measured and the values are tabulated and plotted and compared with LN_EYCDFA. The simulation model consists of input source 1mw with wavelength (1550nm), pumping CW Laser source with wavelength 980nm and Filter. The resulting models were accurately represents Gain and optimized output signal power. Simulation results shows that by choosing careful fiber length 20m and pump power 1mw in single pumping gives ASE noise 0.0025mw in HG_EDFA and 12X10-14mw in LN_EYCDFA.

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