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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Power Flow analysis by Unified Power Flow Controller

( Vol-2,Issue-6,June - June 2016 )

Author(s): Poonam Chand Sahu, Neelesh Kumar Patel

Total View : 1087
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Page No: 846-849
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FACTS, UPFC, reactive power, active power.


It is very important to control the power flow along the transmission line. Thus to control and improve the performance of ac power systems, we need the various different types compensators Now-a-days the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) is very popular and essential device in power systems. After introducing the FACTS technology, power flow along the transmission lines becomes more flexible and controllable. Several FACTS-devices have been introduced for various applications in power system. Among a variety of FACTS controllers, Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is the most powerful and versatile device.

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