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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Proposal for the Creation of a Network of Family Businesses in the Mexican Coffee Industry

( Vol-4,Issue-11,November - November 2018 )

Author(s): Jesús Israel Morales Hernández, Maria Luisa Mendez, Sara Perla Nolasco Ruíz, Marco Tulio Cerón López

Total View : 1193
Downloads : 167
Page No: 773-781
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.4.11.6


coffee, family business, networks.


This article seeks to contribute to the union of Mexican coffee growers, growth and development of our coffee industry and increased commercial involvement by creating a network where family firms undertake strategic alliances, share and comply with standards of communication, technology, management information and knowledge, among others. Explanatory and descriptive documentary analysis of the importance of coffee farmer in Mexico category was performed in order to propose a Network model of Coffee in Mexico. The main pillars on which rests the network are: information, technology, knowledge and goods and services.

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