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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Propose Strategies to Enhance the Biodiversity Status and Traditional Knowledge Systems Relevant for the Conservation of Pan Troglodytes Ellioti in the Kimbi-Fungom National Park and Kom-Wum Forest Reserve

( Vol-4,Issue-4,April - April 2018 )

Author(s): MVO Denis CHUO, TSI Evaristus ANGWAFO

Total View : 1516
Downloads : 165
Page No: 329-350
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.4.4.15


Biodiversity conservation sensitization, Conservation educational programmes, Ecotourism activities, Income generating micro-projects.


This study entitle propose strategies to enhance the biodiversity status and traditional knowledge systems relevant for the conservation of Pan troglodytes ellioti was undertaken in the Kimbi-Fungom National Park (KWFR) and Kom-Wum Forest Reserve (KWFR) Northwest region of Cameroon. The main objective was to investigate sustainable tactics that will contribute to trim down pressure on Pan troglodytes ellioti and other flagship species around the study areas. Data collections were undertaken with the help of interviewed administered questionnaires, informal interview using interview guide, group discussion and direct observations activities. Following interviewees response, sixty eight (68%) of the respondents were confident that they could take up effective management of the K-FNP and K-WFR. Equally, 92% of respondents agreed to the fact that increasing population, poverty increment, insufficient modern health facilities, influx of new cultural activities due to loss of traditional taboos and totemic beliefs, remains greater threat to chimpanzees in the study areas. Most of the interviewees (74%) agreed that updating of knowledge on the abundance and distribution of chimpanzee, identifying location of all human activities especially huts, farms, shortcuts and illegal market in the park/reserve through regular patrols with eco-guards to reinforce order and ensure a better protection for chimpanzees is vital. Much more, 95% of respondent accepted the fact that old and new traditional knowledge of conservation such as taboos/law, totemic beliefs, sacred forests, royal species, automatic spiritual sanction, harvesting seasons should be revived and encourage through traditional institutions/council to better protect chimpanzees. Furthermore, 85% of interviewees accepted the suggestion that to get rid of poor traditional practices that uses chimpanzee’s body parts/meat for medicine and rituals, can be replace with goats, sheep, pig, fouls body parts/meat. To reduce over dependent and conflicts on chimpanzees products and other natural resources, 97% of the respondents were in favour that income generating micro-projects such as fish farming, animal rearing, and market gardening should be promoted. Providing jobs through ecotourism activities such as forest clearance and excursions, construction of adequate and equip infrastructures were highly welcome by 99% of interviewees. To attain all these, regular conservation educational programmes in schools, meeting places and in “ngumba” houses should be promoted to well sensitize population on chimpanzee’s conservation.

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