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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Review on Different Evapotranspiration Empirical Equations

( Vol-2,Issue-3,March - March 2016 )

Author(s): Er. Faruk Bin Poyen, Dr. Apurba Kumar Ghosh, Dr. PalashKundu

Total View : 1491
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Page No: 17-24
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Evapotranspiration, empirical equations, mass –transfer methods, temperature based methods, radiation based methods.


For optimal design and management of hydrologic balance and scheduling irrigation models, the need to measure Evapotranspiration is of great importance. It helps in predicting when and how much water is required for any particular irrigation scheme. Reference Evapotranspiration is a standard nomenclature defined by FAO to provide a reference frame although it is not a full proof equation. Several scientists have developed multiple equations based of three primary directions viz. temperature based methods, radiation based methods and mass – transfer methods. Here in this paper, we have carried out a review on most of the popular equations and the objective is to elucidate the advantages and drawbacks each one of them register when put into use. The reference equation for standardization considered here is FAO 56 Penman Montheith equation. Thirty other equations from the three schools have been analysed here. Statistical Regression Analysis methods and coefficient of determination (R2), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and index of agreement (d) are the analytical parameters those are to be used while estimating their acceptance in evaluating the throughputs.

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