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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

RF Based Remote Control for Electrical Appliances

( Vol-2,Issue-3,March - March 2016 )

Author(s): Pankaj Kumar, Jitendra Sharma, Kumar Abhishek, Ashish Bansal, Md. Salim, Nikhil Jain, Jay Prakash

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Page No: 29-33
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Radio Frequency, Remote Control, Amplitude Shift Keying, Increase Comfort.


This work presented here is to control electrical appliances through RF based remote system. From anywhere without any line of sight, RF based wireless remote control system can change the state of the electrical appliances either in off state or in on state. The controlling circuit is built around RF transmitter and RF Receiver modules which are operating at certain frequency along with a encoder and a decoder with few passive components. The four different channels at the encoder IC are used as input switches and the four channels at the decoder output are connected to the electrical devices through a relay. Here the transmission technique is amplitude shift keying (ASK) and the circuit is powered with 9 Volt. The main objective of this work is to control electrical appliances without line of sight requirement using the RF technology. It has many applications like we can control any independent electrical appliance such as T.V, room light, fan just from a remote. Operating them manually is a tedious job and become hectic sometimes. If one can control devices like fan, TV, lights and music system with a remote from a distance place just by pressing the button, life will become simpler. This will make our life more comfortable and easier.

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