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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Sanitation Practices of Street Food Vendors in Cabanatuan City

( Vol-5,Issue-8,August - August 2019 )

Author(s): June Jay Irvin B. Pula, Marilou P. Pascual

Total View : 1345
Downloads : 184
Page No: 522-526
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.58.8


street food vendors, sanitation practices, food hygiene.


This study delved on the sanitation practices of street food vendors in Cabanatuan City. It employed descriptive research design which involved the vendors and their customers. Majority of street food vendors belonged to the age bracket30 to 39 years, have had at least finished secondarylevel of education, married, hadmore than ten yearsof experience as a street food vendor; and spent fourto eight hours per day invending activities. Their attendanceto food safety and sanitationtrainings had either none, or only one to four trainings to some. Findings further revealed that self-assessments of the respondent-street food vendors on the areas of cleanliness such as hand sanitation, proper work attire, and personal health and hygiene; and food preparation, display, and storagewere consistently higher than the assessmentsmade by their customers. Likewise, strong correlation between the respondents’ profile and their sanitation practices was only found in the length of experience.

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