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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Social Media Marketing of Ready-To-Wear (RTW) Marketing Officers in the Philippines

( Vol-5,Issue-2,February - February 2019 )


Total View : 798
Downloads : 171
Page No: 157-161
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.5.2.8


Social Media Marketing, social media, Marketing.


One of the emerging trends in marketing is the usage of social media as a marketing tool due to its efficacy. The motivations of marketers who use social media marketing were investigated in this study. Additionally, this study discussed the precise actions taken by marketers who use social media marketing and their reasons for doing so. It also described the policies and experiences of marketers in the field of social media marketing. A quantitative descriptive method was used in this study. This study was able to show how social media marketing works that determines the marketer – respondents ‘ motives to use, specific actions, opinions for adopting, policies, and experiences. The main purpose of marketers is to bring awareness about their business and, eventually, can attract customers. Through social media marketing, their companies can advertise that includes their updated offers and discounts. However, they have experienced lack of expert in the field to help them for technical assistance and cannot outsource their activities in social media marketing. Thus, this resulted to its advantages and disadvantages.

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