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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Social Networking Individual vs. Crowd Behavior (Connected Intelligence)

( Vol-2,Issue-12,December - December 2016 )

Author(s): Ubaid Ur Rehman Rahimi, Shuaib Ibrahim Adam

Total View : 1204
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Page No: 2004-2007
ijaems crossref doiDOI:


Knowledge management, connected Intelligence, individual Behavior, crowd behavior, social networks.


The study of Human behavior is much more complicated in various situations, especially on the spectrum of Social Networks. The study of individual behavior cannot be replicated for a group/crowd behavior which can have many social and behavioral dimensions. In the connected world where intelligence is shared among individuals and groups, there exists another kind of complexity which needs to be examined.The complexity of human behaviors as an individual or as a group on the social networks is much more versatile and erratic. The research work studies and analyzes these behaviors in a connected networked intelligent environment and as to how these behaviors are reflected towards Connected Intelligence. Consequently it defines how they can affect the intelligent analytical outcomes. Finally it comes up with a generic model which can be applied in any setup.

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