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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Solar Based Garbage Cleaning Boat

( Vol-10,Issue-3,March - April 2024 )

Author(s): Garvit Gupta, Rahul Meena, Raghuveer Meena, Pulkit Yadav, Rintam Singh Shekhawat

Total View : 209
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Page No: 20-23
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.103.3


Solar, Motor, Conveyor Belt, Trash collector, Garbage, Pollution.


The aim of this project is to focuses on the working model of the river waste cleaning boat powered by solar. As we know the population of India increasing day by day and due to this the pollution also gets increase. The garbage with are produce by the peoples are the main cause of pollution. The most of the garbage are dumped or just thrown in the lake, river of other water resources. The garbage which are thrown in the water such as lakes, rivers and other water resources due to which the water get polluted because of which the water will harm the humans as well as aquatic life. In many of cities of India this is the major problem. To overcome this water pollution our project “Solar Based Garbage Cleaning Boat” is very helpful by collecting the garbage which are floating on the surface of water by a conveyor belt mechanism and put down in the trash collector. This project is very efficient and work on the solar energy no external power supply is required. We have battery to store the energy and used this energy for cleaning water surface. The main aim of this project is to minimize the manpower and time taken for cleaning the water bodies.

Article Info:

Received: 21 Jan 2024; Received in revised form: 26 Feb 2024; Accepted: 05 Mar 2024; Available online: 1 Apr 2024

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