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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Speaker Recognition Based Home Automation Using Matlab

( Vol-2,Issue-9,September - September 2016 )

Author(s): Shilpa Khandade, Sucheta Khot

Total View : 1168
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Page No: 1627-1631
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Bodily movements ,Speech recognition ,Speaker recognition, FFT , DCT , MFCC ,Feature extraction.


Due to decline in both physical and mental abilities, some elderly are not allowed to leave the bed without assistance. Some time they are unable to make the desirable bodily movements and repositioning. In this paper the home automation is obtained using MATLAB based speaker recognition. The feature extraction of speech signal is done by using MFCC and for selection of features of speech signal vector quantization is used. By using above two steps the speaker is recognized and then this is given to the microcontroller by using serial communication .Then the particular home appliance get operated.

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