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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Study on the Drying Characteristics of Green Gram, Cowpea and Soybean

( Vol-3,Issue-9,September - September 2017 )

Author(s): Jangabelli Mounika, Bhasker Vellanki, Thiruthopu Neelima, Mrudula Guggilla, Srinivas Maloo

Total View : 1499
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Page No: 948-950
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.9.8


Drying, moisture content, keeping quality.


The study reveals the drying characteristics of Green gram, Cowpea and Soybean when exposed to two different drying mechanisms namely convective (i.e., Tray Drying) and a innovative method (i.e., microwave drying). The objective of the study is to come out with a most appropriate drying technique which gives the product a better keeping quality. In this study the drying characteristics i.e the amount of moisture removed for every 10min is calculated at different temperatures for the respective samples. The sample was dried in tray dryer and microwave at two temperatures.

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