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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Success factors behind Entrepreneurship during economic crisis: A study of Sam Office Furniture in Erbil-Kurdistan

( Vol-4,Issue-4,April - April 2018 )

Author(s): Mohammed Ali Saleem Alozairi

Total View : 1796
Downloads : 165
Page No: 269-281
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.4.4.9


Entrepreneur, Sam Furniture Company, Erbil, Kurdistan.


Entrepreneur has an essential role in the country’s economy especially during economic crisis, being considered one of the main engines of economic growth, and an important contributor to creating new jobs and innovations. Identifying the main determinants of entrepreneurial activity is important for helping the decision makers in adopting adequate measures to support the creation and development of new businesses. The study was carried out in a private furniture company named ‘’Sam furniture company’’ in Erbil, the researcher was able to gather 112 questionnaires in order to test the developed research hypotheses. The findings revealed that the highest value obtained was by previous experience of entrepreneur in running furniture companies in Erbil on the other hand the lowest value of background education of entrepreneur in establishing and expanding a furniture company in Erbil.

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