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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Supply Chain Pricing Decisions under Corporation Social Responsibility

( Vol-5,Issue-8,August - August 2019 )

Author(s): Meixiang Wu, Chengdong Shi, Qiang Sun

Total View : 726
Downloads : 166
Page No: 493-499
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.58.2


Corporate social responsibility (CRS), supply chain, pricing decisions, Stackelberg game, sales efforts.


The multiple push from the government, the public and non-governmental organizations has increased CSR awareness and makes CSR behavior of cooperators an issue. Considering the impact of sales efforts on demand, making the supply chain which dominated and undertakes the sales effort by retailers as the research object, This paper compares three models of the node enterprise pricing decisions in three CSR commitment models, studies the impact of CSR participation and sales efforts on member profits and social welfare. The study found that the three models can improve social welfare, sales efforts can reduce prices and increase sales; There is a big profit gap and different pricing strategies between M mode and R mode; The social welfare is the largest under MR model, However, there is a threshold for CSR engagement in this model, the supply chain profit shows a downward trend beyond the threshold.

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