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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Sustainable Development and Management Strategies of Groundwater in Arid-Lands

( Vol-10,Issue-7,November - December 2024 )

Author(s): Ashraf Freeg, Peter Riad, Nagy Ali Hassan, Ayman A. Nassar

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Page No: 078-083
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.107.12


Arid lands, Sustainable Groundwater, Circular economy, Technology, Policies.


Sustainable groundwater development efficiently manages existing groundwater resources and addresses the risks associated with aquifer physical qualities, storage capacity, and recovery ability for future generating requirements. Response to future scenario development is essential for sustainable groundwater management in arid lands. This article discusses various development scenarios associated with better management of groundwater. This is to formulate effective and sustainable management strategies and their impact on sustainable groundwater management. The paper also seeks to provide a brief overview of common ideas of sustainability and their application to groundwater resource usage and development. Eventually, sustainable development can be accompanied by policies that stimulate groundwater use and prioritize profit over conservation require being considered. Policies include the establishment and formation of a social identity for collective aquifer storage and recovery, the creation of a legal framework for sustainable groundwater governance, the establishment of social adoption of groundwater pumping technology, and the formation of groundwater cultures at the point of abstraction.

Article Info:

Received: 27 Oct 2024; Received in revised form: 30 Nov 2024; Accepted: 04 Dec 2024; Available online: 09 Dec 2024

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