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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

The Roadmap to the Electronic Voting System Development: A Literature Review

( Vol-2,Issue-5,May - May 2016 )

Author(s): M. Mesbahuddin Sarker, Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund

Total View : 1627
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Page No: 492-497
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Voting Technology, Lever Machine, Legalization, Hacking.


Since the start of the use of the electronic voting system, it has gone through numerous updates and upgrades. These upgrades and updates include changes from paper-ballot to a paperless, manual to technology, mechanical to electronic, offline to online, polling based stations to remote places and so on. In this paper, we briefly investigate the above issues of the electronic voting system as well as the development of its revolution and legalization, guidelines and recommendations, vulnerabilities and hacking, security and protection, and the alike in course of time.

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