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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

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( Vol-2,Issue-8,August - August 2016 )

Author(s): Manish Shrivastava, Mohana Prudi, Pooja Chugwani

Total View : 1138
Downloads : 164
Page No: 1208-1211
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About five key words in alphabetical order, separated by comma.


Mobile phones and tablets have substituted newspapers, books, magazines, music players, play stations, etc. which play an integral part in our day to day lives by offering numerous applications with extra-ordinary features offering similar in some cases better functionalities. Android is a software environment built for mobile devices. It is the most popular mobile platform because of ease in operation and range of applications. The existing Android mobiles perform zooming using button controls, pinch and zoom and tap. Our aim is to substitute this existing features with a more comfortable and user- friendly option i.e. to introduce a whole new approach by explicitly zooming according to eye-sight. This feature shall take the input as user’s eyesight and zoomed pages according to that eyesight which not only eradicates the necessity of manual zooming but it can also enable the user to use his phone without the use of spectacles. In case the user wants to choose his own comfortable reading level this feature will allow him to do so.

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