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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Upland Rice Production As Influenced by the Organic and Inorganic Application of Fertilizers: Technology Demonstration Model

( Vol-2,Issue-5,May - May 2016 )

Author(s): Clemencia L. Sumagaysay

Total View : 974
Downloads : 167
Page No: 304-307
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Agrarian beneficiaries, Tehnology, upland rice, Vermicast, Panicle.


A Technology demonstration on upland rice production was conducted to determine which among the three treatments would provide better yield of upland rainfed rice and serves as a technological show-case to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) and Non- Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) in the community.This study consists of three (3) treatments. Treatment 1 – Regional Soils Laboratory In-organic fertilizer recommended rates alone. Treatment 2 – ½ Regional Soils Laboratory In-organic fertilizer recommended rates plus 12.5 bags Vermicast per hectare. Treatment 3 – Organic fertilizer alone at 25 bags vermi cast per hectare. Result shows that the best practices of fertilizer application is Treatment 3 the application of organic fertilizer which produces heaviest weight of fresh palay (31 grams/hill) and dried weight of palay(4.3 grams/hill) and obtained the highest yield of upland rice(6.20 tons/ha) than variable 1 and 2. Based on the cost analysis the application of organic fertilizer (Treatment 3) produced high profit due to low price of organic fertilizer.

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