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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

User Friendly Pashto Text Editor

( Vol-3,Issue-7,July - July 2017 )

Author(s): Sarwar Shah Khan, Muzammil Khan

Total View : 1413
Downloads : 167
Page No: 816-824
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.24001/ijaems.3.7.15


PashApp, Pashto Text Editor, Script Editors, Comparison.


Thousands of languages are spoken around the world; each language has its own importance in their community. Every community is trying to promote their language via writing books, newspapers, and poetry in their language. Pashto is one of the main languages of Pakistan, Afghanistan and about 60 million of Pashto speakers are dispersed around the world. Even Pashto is national and official language of Afghanistan. The importance of the Pashto language leads to introduce an application for Pashto language, just like a number of applications available for Urdu, English and even for all major languages of the world. In this paper we introduced an offline Pashto Editor “PashApp” for writing Pashto language and provide mark-ups facilities during writings after analyzing the drawbacks or the services not available in online or offline Pashto editors. We developed PashApp in Java. The application is analyzed by comparative analysis using the available Pashto editors and analyzed different features provided by PashApp using task based questionnaire. The study includes 20 Pashto speaking volunteers by simple random sampling technique. The comparative analysis of different available editors lead PashApp which is analyzed using task based questionnaire. The results show high user satisfactions for the features provided in the developed PashApp for Pashto language. The application is an offline editor available for free and covers all basic operations for writings of a language.

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