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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Web and Android Application for Comparison of E-Commerce Products

( Vol-5,Issue-4,April - April 2019 )

Author(s): Aditya Ambre, Praful Gaikwad, Kaustubh Pawar, Vijaykumar Patil

Total View : 1314
Downloads : 170
Page No: 266-268
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.5.4.5


Indexing, MongoDB, Python, Web Crawling, Web Scraping.


E-Commerce websites are currently the most popular sources for shopping all kinds of products online. Currently, users have many different websites to access and search for the desired products available in the market. Nowadays, different kinds of strategies are being implemented to analyze and understand the customer’s behavior to increase growth of the business. As, variety of websites are currently available it becomes difficult for the users to purchase the desired product for an affordable price. The paper presents, Comparison of E-Commerce products available on these different websites in order to help users to grab their desired products for the best affordable price. Techniques like Web Crawling and Web Scraping are adopted to collect detailed product information from the websites and MongoDB (NoSql Database) is used to store the scraped details of the products. Libraries like Requests and BeautifulSoup4 were implemented for crawling and scraping techniques using Python and Indexing method is used in MongoDB to acquire best possible results thereby savings customers time, efforts and money.

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