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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Which Supply Chain Strategies Can Guarantee Higher Manufacturer’s Operational Performance Applying Suitable Resources?

( Vol-2,Issue-6,June - June 2016 )

Author(s): Mahmoud Saremi, Amir Samarrokhi, Kouroush Jenab

Total View : 995
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Page No: 565-575
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Supply chain strategy, Operational performance, and suitable resources.


Due to the fact that scientists and practitioners alike have interested on the leveraging manufacturing companies’ operational performance, this research examined which supply chain strategies promise manufacturers higher operational performance. Later on, we clarified whether suitable resources can play an important role in the mentioned causal relationshipsas a moderator and improve the impact of the strategies on operational performance. This study is a descriptive-exploratory research in which primary data was collected from 80 Malaysian manufacturing companies. Bivariate Correlation and Multiple Regression in SPSS was applied for analyzing data. Output showed that many suppliers, few suppliers, and keiretsu network strategies enable manufacturers to achieve satisfactory level of operational performance; but, vertical integration. More importantly, suitable resources can leverage the effect of just vertical integration strategy on operational performance.

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