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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Work Details of Hospitality and Tourism Industry Workers and Impact on their Body

( Vol-2,Issue-8,August - August 2016 )

Author(s): Neha Mehra, Dr. Promila Sharma

Total View : 955
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Page No: 1224-1227
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Hospitality and tourism industry, health problems, pain and discomfort.


The hotel/restaurant/tourism sector covers a wide range of different businesses. It plays an important role as a job creator in the service sectors. This sector employs more than 7.8 million people in the India and is characterized by high job demands and high physical workload. It was found through a research that there was a change in worker’s work capacity or ability due to monotonous work and prolong standing posture during performing the work. The problems in the absence of ergonomically designed equipments, the prolonged standing posture and continuous working hours resulted to problems like lower and upper back problem, headache, swelling on ankles, stiffness in leg and hand joints etc. Besides this there were problems of slips, falls, repetitive body motion, and adoption of awkward posture. Seeing above problem a study was undertaken on 200 workers working in kumaun region of Uttarakhand. Descriptive cum experimental research approach was followed. The result showed that maximum 26 per cent of the workers were having the pain and discomfort at the lower back while doing the activity and 9.5 per cent workers faced problems in the legs and neck respectively.

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