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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Exploring the Purchase and Use of Drone Aerial Camera from the Viewpoint of Technological Theoretical Models That Influence Domestic Graphic Art Creators
( Vol-9,Issue-9,September 2023 )

MLA Chien-Hao Ling et al ."Exploring the Purchase and Use of Drone Aerial Camera from the Viewpoint of Technological Theoretical Models That Influence Domestic Graphic Art Creators". International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311),vol 9, no. 9, 2023, pp.92-99 Infogain Publication, doi:10.22161/ijaems.99.9
APA Chien-Hao Ling, Pei-Ling Liao(2023).Exploring the Purchase and Use of Drone Aerial Camera from the Viewpoint of Technological Theoretical Models That Influence Domestic Graphic Art Creators. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311),9(9), 92-99. http://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaems.99.9
Chicago Chien-Hao Ling, Pei-Ling Liao. 2023,"Exploring the Purchase and Use of Drone Aerial Camera from the Viewpoint of Technological Theoretical Models That Influence Domestic Graphic Art Creators". International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311).9(9):92-99. Doi: 10.22161/ijaems.99.9
Harvard Chien-Hao Ling, Pei-Ling Liao. 2023,Exploring the Purchase and Use of Drone Aerial Camera from the Viewpoint of Technological Theoretical Models That Influence Domestic Graphic Art Creators, International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311).9(9), pp:92-99
IEEE Chien-Hao Ling, Pei-Ling Liao."Exploring the Purchase and Use of Drone Aerial Camera from the Viewpoint of Technological Theoretical Models That Influence Domestic Graphic Art Creators", International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311),vol.9,no. 9, pp.92-99,2023.
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journal={International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science},
year= {2023},