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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Quantic Analysis of the Adherence of a Gram-Negative Bacteria in A HEPA Filter
( Vol-3,Issue-12,December 2017 )

MLA Iliana Herrera-Cantú et al ."Quantic Analysis of the Adherence of a Gram-Negative Bacteria in A HEPA Filter". International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311),vol 3, no. 12, 2017, pp.1122-1125 Infogain Publication, doi:10.24001/ijaems.3.12.5
APA Iliana Herrera-Cantú, Karina García-Aguilar, Erick Pedraza-Gress, Emmanuel Vázquez - López, Juan Jesús García-Mar, Lillhian Arely Flores-González, Manuel Aparicio -Razo, Oscar Sánchez-Parada, Manuel González-Pérez(2017).Quantic Analysis of the Adherence of a Gram-Negative Bacteria in A HEPA Filter. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311),3(12), 1122-1125. http://dx.doi.org/10.24001/ijaems.3.12.5
Chicago Iliana Herrera-Cantú, Karina García-Aguilar, Erick Pedraza-Gress, Emmanuel Vázquez - López, Juan Jesús García-Mar, Lillhian Arely Flores-González, Manuel Aparicio -Razo, Oscar Sánchez-Parada, Manuel González-Pérez. 2017,"Quantic Analysis of the Adherence of a Gram-Negative Bacteria in A HEPA Filter". International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311).3(12):1122-1125. Doi: 10.24001/ijaems.3.12.5
Harvard Iliana Herrera-Cantú, Karina García-Aguilar, Erick Pedraza-Gress, Emmanuel Vázquez - López, Juan Jesús García-Mar, Lillhian Arely Flores-González, Manuel Aparicio -Razo, Oscar Sánchez-Parada, Manuel González-Pérez. 2017,Quantic Analysis of the Adherence of a Gram-Negative Bacteria in A HEPA Filter, International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311).3(12), pp:1122-1125
IEEE Iliana Herrera-Cantú, Karina García-Aguilar, Erick Pedraza-Gress, Emmanuel Vázquez - López, Juan Jesús García-Mar, Lillhian Arely Flores-González, Manuel Aparicio -Razo, Oscar Sánchez-Parada, Manuel González-Pérez."Quantic Analysis of the Adherence of a Gram-Negative Bacteria in A HEPA Filter", International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311),vol.3,no. 12, pp.1122-1125,2017.
Bibtex @article {ilianaherrera-cantú2017quantic,
title={Quantic Analysis of the Adherence of a Gram-Negative Bacteria in A HEPA Filter},
author={Iliana Herrera-Cantú, Karina García-Aguilar, Erick Pedraza-Gress, Emmanuel Vázquez - López, Juan Jesús García-Mar, Lillhian Arely Flores-González, Manuel Aparicio -Razo, Oscar Sánchez-Parada, Manuel González-Pérez},
journal={International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science},
year= {2017},