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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

The Importance of Marriagein the 19thCentury British England: Jane Austen’s Prideand Prejudice Represents Love and Marriage, which are not only the Embellishment of Life but the Economic Needs for the People
( Vol-2,Issue-10,October 2016 )

MLA Farhana Haque et al ."The Importance of Marriagein the 19thCentury British England: Jane Austen’s Prideand Prejudice Represents Love and Marriage, which are not only the Embellishment of Life but the Economic Needs for the People". International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311),vol 2, no. 10, 2016, pp.1746-1750 Infogain Publication,
APA Farhana Haque(2016).The Importance of Marriagein the 19thCentury British England: Jane Austen’s Prideand Prejudice Represents Love and Marriage, which are not only the Embellishment of Life but the Economic Needs for the People. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311),2(10), 1746-1750.
Chicago Farhana Haque. 2016,"The Importance of Marriagein the 19thCentury British England: Jane Austen’s Prideand Prejudice Represents Love and Marriage, which are not only the Embellishment of Life but the Economic Needs for the People". International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311).2(10):1746-1750.
Harvard Farhana Haque. 2016,The Importance of Marriagein the 19thCentury British England: Jane Austen’s Prideand Prejudice Represents Love and Marriage, which are not only the Embellishment of Life but the Economic Needs for the People, International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311).2(10), pp:1746-1750
IEEE Farhana Haque."The Importance of Marriagein the 19thCentury British England: Jane Austen’s Prideand Prejudice Represents Love and Marriage, which are not only the Embellishment of Life but the Economic Needs for the People", International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science(ISSN: 2454-1311),vol.2,no. 10, pp.1746-1750,2016.
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year= {2016},