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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

A Mediated Model of Employee commitment: The Impact of Knowledge Management Practices on Organizational Outcomes

( Vol-8,Issue-9,September - September 2022 )

Author(s): Dalia Khalid Faeq

Total View : 292
Downloads : 168
Page No: 44-58
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaers.99.6


Knowledge Management, Innovative, Employee Commitment, Organizational Outcome.


In this modern and competitive day, firms rely on innovative ideas to sustain and succeed. For today's management, it is critical to look for ways and means to knowledge management, and this study greatly emphasizes this aspect. This study investigates and investigates the impact of a knowledge management on organizational outcome as well as the role of employee commitment as a mediator. Essentially, it provides a framework via which a high-commitment work environment supports innovative work behavior in Kurdistan region of Iraq SMEs. Using the findings of this study, SMEs firms, particularly mobile network operators, can alter and innovate their services in order to thrive in a competitive market. All proven correlations are conceptually explained, practically tested, and supported by a survey of the literature. The findings revealed that all three variables in the study have a favorable association. All three hypotheses are accepted, and the association between knowledge management and organizational outcome is mediated by employee commitment.

Article Info:

Received: 29 Aug 2022; Received in revised form: 20 Sep 2022; Accepted: 24 Sep 2022; Available online: 29 Sep 2022

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