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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

Assessment of Tourism industry in Nueva Ecija

( Vol-6,Issue-1,January - January 2020 )

Author(s): Aileen Y. Vigilia

Total View : 1331
Downloads : 179
Page No: 37-40
ijaems crossref doiDOI: 10.22161/ijaems.61.6


Tourism, Tourist Spots, Assessment, Tourist Industry.


Tourism plays an important role in establishing a nation like the Philippines and serves as one of the state’s contributor. A total of 205 tourist respondents were surveyed from different tourist spots in Nueva Ecija. Descriptive method of research was used. Also, the researcher used likert-scale type questionnaire and analyzed the data through statistical data treatment such as mean and weighted mean. In light of the foregoing results, the researcher concluded that the tourist spots in Nueva Ecija greatly appealed its visitors through its uniqueness, historical value and natural aesthetics and were evaluated as “Excellent.” Thus, the accessibility to these tourist spots was evaluated as “Fair.”Further, the difficulties and problems encountered by tourists, in terms of “Transportation” was evaluated as “Fair.” Thus, the areas for the development of tourism should focus more on improving the aspect transportation than tourism service facility as this aspect was evaluated as “Excellent.”

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