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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science

The Importance of Marriagein the 19thCentury British England: Jane Austen’s Prideand Prejudice Represents Love and Marriage, which are not only the Embellishment of Life but the Economic Needs for the People

( Vol-2,Issue-10,October - October 2016 )

Author(s): Farhana Haque

Total View : 1307
Downloads : 167
Page No: 1746-1750
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Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Love, Marriage, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, The Bennet family. Elizabeth, Victorian society.


Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudicewas the novel of Victorian period. This Victorian era was the timeof traditions when many aspectshas emerged in the field of literature. As a writer of Victorian period Jane Austenwas very much successfulwith the work of romantic fictions.Pride and Prejudicehas been considered herfirst novel and the story of it was located in the country of Hertfordshire. The prominent family of this novel was known as the Bennet family. They used to live in a peaceful place called Longbourn. The main attraction of the Bennet family was centered around their daughters’ marriage issue. In this novel the two main male characters were Mr. Bingley and his friend Darcy, and other characters did playsomevital role regarding the concepts of love and marriage. Surrounded by the wealthy handsome men, Mrs. Bennet was finding the possible match among those opulent persons for her daughters. At first glance Mr. Bingley has found his love towards Jane, while on the other hands Mr. Darcy proved to be the perfect match for Elizabeth. With these two wealthy and decent man, there was the presence of a villain like person named Mr. Wickham, who has settled himself finally with Lydia, the youngest girl of the Bennet family. The main female protagonist of this novel was Elizabeth. She was not a complicated character rather than funny and witty in nature. Her perfect match Mr. Darcy was different than her. He was snobbish, proud and reservedtype of character. They both were always sunk in teasing and quarrelling but somehow they were essentially attracted with each other. Elizabeth has confessed that she hate him and also said it frankly after knowing that Mr. Darcy will forgive her. With all those small and big incidents mixed with sadness and happiness, they both eventually got married and lived happily ever after.This paper will actually present the importance of love and marriage in human’s life and how Jane Austen beautifully portrayed these themes of love and marriage which are not only the embellishment of life but also urged for the economical needs for the people through her famous novel Pride and Prejudice.

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